Friday 17 February 2012

Snow day!

So who was it that told me when I first moved to Ranskill that 'it never snows here!' Huh, yeah right. The past four winters have seen that white powdery stuff fall upon me in varying degrees. The first and second years it was a weekend of snowy madness as we all relished in the novelty of it. Thankfully it didn't stick round for too long. Last year we had that much snow I had to get three of the neighbours to push the car out of the driveway just so I could get to the supermarket for some groceries. Walking to school wasn't particularly pleasant either as the snow was that deep it went in over the top of my gumboots (that wellies for all you English people) and just about froze off my toes - that was after the unceremonious face plant that occurred when I slipped and fell trying to carry Shahni through the worst of it!
So this year my spirits were high when we managed to get to Christmas and New Year without even a whiff of a snowflake. In fact I was quite pleased with the mildness of the winter (if there is such a thing). But my smugness soon turned to gloom as the milder weather turned icy cold and the first flakes made their way down. We had a few days of snow, and thankfully it wasn't too bad, in fact I think the best thing about it was that I was able to walk across the newly seeded green at the front of our estate without feeling the wrath and glaring eyes of the neighbours.
So here are a few pictures of our morning in the snow, but don't be deceived as I had to just about kick the kids to get them out of the house (actually just the boys really, Shahni was more than happy to go) and then I had to make Tristan stay out for longer than five minutes and even then he snuck back in to make himself a cup of tea! He obviously has not acclimatised yet as he still insists upon wearing his coat practically 24hrs a day!

This pretty much sums up Caillan's thoughts on the matter. Perhaps he's Australian after all!

This was obviously taken within the first thirty seconds of him setting foot outside!

My little snow angel! She had an absolute blast playing out.

So if any of you are wondering where Shane was while the rest of us were out freezing our backsides off, after I insisted he go and pick up our car from a friends house he very kindly (and quickly) volunteered to stay in and cook us all a roast dinner. Hmmm very convenient.

So the snow has melted now and the birds can be heard a-tweeting outside (I've even managed to get a load of washing dry on the line)the promise of spring is upon us. As I dwell on the joys of warmer weather - and more importantly the ability to boot the kids outside to play - I have to first go pack my bags for my trip back to Oz where I am hoping to be reacquainted with my old friend sunshine! Get your sunnies on though, cause my legs are whiter than a pair of Snow White's knickers!

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