Friday 13 January 2012

Here we go ...

This is my first venture into the world of blogging. Out of a desire to stay connected to family and friends back home in Oz, and in keeping with my New Year's resolution for this year (I'll probably get to that later!) I've decided to attempt, and maintain a place in cyberspace that allows for some reflective thinking and at the same time allows loved ones a glimpse into our life over here in sunny England (add appropriate dose of sarcasm after the word 'sunny').

Shane has been suggesting that I do this for some time now (which he promptly pointed out this morning when I announced that I was going to set one up) but I've always been a little hesitant. Firstly, who on earth would want to read what I've got to say? and secondly, what on earth do I say? I'll figure it out I'm sure, in the meantime have a gander at some of the pictures that I'll put up and skip over the posts that you can't be bothered to read or simply are just the ramblings of someone who should be making better use of her time!


  1. Good on ya!
    If you reduce your high res pictures by half size and pixels they will still look clear at blog size and will upload far quicker. That's what happens when you have a posh Nikon! x

    1. Excellent, thanks for that. I'm not used to having a decent camera so I've never had to worry bout that sort of stuff before!
